Monday, 7 August 2017

Balanced exercise


                 BALANCED EXERCISES

Exercise and fitness have become a very important part of our life's today.
Most of us exercise regularly and still face problems like back pain, knee pain , neck pain etc. If exercise is so important than why so people who are into fitness still face problems??
The reason for this is firstly improper exercise and secondly lack of balanced exercises. We all know that everyone's body is different from each other than how can same exercises have an effect on everyone. Hence the exercise plan should be according to the person's needs, body type and any physical problems if any.

Secondly, lack of balanced exercises. This is one of the major points which we forget while exercising. When a person talks about diet there is always a balanced diet which has all the nutrients in it.
Similarly, when we talk about exercise and fitness we should include all the types of exercises i .e . Stretching, strengthening, endurance and power, balance and coordination etc . When we would include all these in our routine it shall give a better effect.
To understand this better imagine your muscles to be a rubber band, when you keep stretching it for long time it would loose its tensile strength. The same thing happens with muscles when u continuously do stretching exercises the muscles loose its tensile strength and thus result in pain and discomfort.
Most of the problems in our body occur cause of imbalances in the muscles. Some muscles go in for weakness and some go in for tightness. Thus, one needs to understand which muscle needs to stretched and which has to be strengthened.

 So next time when you start exercising include stretching, strengthening, endurance and power training.

Dr. Pranjal